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Scripting with Babashka

Pathom 3 works with Babashka!

To demo this, I'll re-use the sample example from the Pathom Tutorial, the code is mostly the same, the following script runs as standalone with babashka:


Pathom usage requires Babashka 0.2.12 or up.

IP Weather in Babashka

(ns pathom-babashka
[babashka.deps :as deps]))

'{:deps {borkdude/spartan.spec {:git/url ""
:sha "03e1583622f7f3073e18d05b69f3ab6f2cf012b6"}
com.wsscode/pathom3 {:mvn/version "2021.07.10-alpha"}}})

(require 'spartan.spec)
(require '[cheshire.core :as json])
(require '[com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.operation :as pco])
(require '[com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.built-in.resolvers :as pbir])
(require '[com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.indexes :as pci])
(require '[com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.operation :as pco])
(require '[com.wsscode.pathom3.interface.eql :as p.eql])

(pco/defresolver geo-from-ip [{:keys [geo-js/ip]}]
{::pco/output [:geo-js/asn
(-> (slurp (str "" ip ".json"))
(json/parse-string #(keyword "geo-js" %))))

(pco/defresolver geo-lat-long->meta-search
[{:geo-js/keys [longitude latitude]}]
{:meta-weather/search-latt_long (str latitude "," longitude)})

(pco/defresolver meta-weather-latlong-search
[{:meta-weather/keys [search-latt_long]}]
{::pco/output [:meta-weather/distance
(-> (slurp (str "" search-latt_long))
(json/parse-string #(keyword "meta-weather" %))

(pco/defresolver meta-weather-location
[{:meta-weather/keys [woeid]}]
(-> (slurp (str "" woeid))
(json/parse-string #(keyword "meta-weather" %))))

(pco/defresolver meta-weather-location-the-temp
[{:meta-weather/keys [consolidated_weather]}]
{::pco/output [:meta-weather/the_temp]}
(if-let [temp (-> consolidated_weather
{:meta-weather/the_temp temp}))

(pco/defresolver its-cold? [{::keys [temperature cold-threshold]}]
{::cold? (< temperature cold-threshold)})

(def env
(pbir/constantly-resolver ::cold-threshold 20)
(pbir/alias-resolver ::ip :geo-js/ip)
(pbir/alias-resolver :meta-weather/the_temp ::temperature)]))

(defn parse-data-args []
(apply hash-map (map read-string *command-line-args*)))

(defn main [{:keys [ip] :as args}]
(println (str "Looking up the temperature on IP " ip "..."))
(let [{::keys [temperature]}
(p.eql/process env
{::ip ip}
(println (str "Temperature for IP " ip " is " temperature "C"))))

(main (parse-data-args))

Now we can run it like:

bb :ip '""'

I measure the time to boot. On my computer, Babashka can boot and load Pathom in about 300ms. This script's average total time is 2s ~ 3s on my computer (most of the time is waiting for HTTP responses).

Just for fun, I compared it with the JVM implementation. On the JVM, to boot and make the HTTP requests, it took 9 seconds here.


The current known limitation is that you can't call resolvers and mutations as functions.

This is due a limitation in Babashka, defrecord can't implement IFn, this may change in the future.